Friday, December 16, 2011

Technique Allows Researchers to Examine How Materials Bond at the Atomic Level


  1. Strain makes a difference in how bonds form, but there hasn't been a great deal of understanding on how this idea works on the atomic level
  2. Scientists have been able to influence the assembly process of silicon crystals by applying strain during bond formation
  3. The results from the experiment led to the conclusion that application of even small amount of strain in one direction increases the chemical reactivity of bonds in a certain direction, which in turn causes structural changes
  4. Continued research should allow for future scientists to be able to identify the significant hidden variables, and silicon-based devices will in turn become more efficient as a result.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dry Ice

What is dry ice?
 - The frozen form of carbon dioxide
How is it made?
1. Take the gas form of carbon dioxide and have it pressurized and refrigerated to form liquid carbon dioxide.  
2. Allow for it to expand in an atmospheric chamber.
3. When the CO2 changes from a liquid to a gas, there should be a huge drop in temperature, which will cause some of the gas to freeze. This should allow for the creation of both the solid and gas form of carbon dioxide. 
4.  Product is then hydraulically pressed into dry ice blocks.   
What is it used for?
- Is particularly used for freezing/keeping things frozen
- Also to create "fog"
Why does it "smoke"/Is it really "smoke"?
- When combined with water, it turns into a cold mixture of carbon dioxide and humid air, which creates condensation of water vapor in the air (smoke/fog).

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


A mixture or metallic solution composed of two of more elements
Brass - jewelry; piping; stamping dies; instruments

Bronze - coins; medals; gears; tools; electrical hardware 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

What Colors do Birds See?

Interesting Facts:

  1. Changing the color of ambient light can trigger early breeding, or alter fertility rates through mimicking the change of seasons.
  2. Birds have photo-pigments with sensitivities at four or five peak wavelengths, making them between a tetrachromat or pentachromats
  3. The fovea, where there is a  high concentration of cones, may form a lateral stripe in the eyes rather than being in a central area.
  4. There is a strong correspondence between the habitat and behavior patterns of different species, and their spectral sensitivities
  5. The inner segment of the cones in a bird's eyes contains a colored oil droplet beside the base of the outer segment, which filters light before it can reach the visual pigment.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Periodic Table Expands Once Again

Elements 114 and 116 have recently been added to the periodic table, making for a total of 114 recognized elements ("elements" 113 and 115 have not yet been approved). The numbers used in the name signify the quantity of of protons in the nucleus of an atom. Because these are their temporary names, permanent titles for these elements will be determined by scientists in the near future. Although not much has been discussed over the future monikers of the newly-created elements, the names will have to end using "ium." In the past, names of more modern elements were named after renowned scientists, so perhaps the new elements will be in honor of one of the scientists responsible for the discovery, Dr. Moody. If not, maybe it will be a mix of the elements combined to make the 114 and 116 elements: calcium ions into atoms of plutonium or curium.But for now, more discussion will have to be made before any such decision is made. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Glow-In-The-Dark Millipede Says 'Stay Away'

Five Facts:
1. The ability to glow in the dark belongs to the genus Motyxia, and is hypothesized to be done in order to scare off predators.

2. Despite being blind, millipedes are able to differentiate between day and night.

3. The Motyxia millipede is hypothesized to give off its glow by oozing toxic cyanide and other chemicals from its pores.

4. There are 12,000 types of millipedes that have been discovered, but they're supposed to be about 100,000 in existence.

5. This Motyxia millipede has a photo protein that is believed to be activated by usage of calcium and energy-rich compounds in its cells.

The Scientific Method:   

     There is clear evidence that the scientists involved in the experiment described in the article used the scientific method. From the beginning questions to the final conclusion, signs of the scientific method are evident due to the process of how the information was attained. 

     Upon discovering the glowing millipedes, scientists questioned the reasoning that this phenomenon occurs. This is the first step in the scientific method. Following the development of the experiment question, there needs to be a hypothesis. "Marek and his coworkers hypothesized by using bioluminescence as a warning signal, luminescent millipedes would be attacked less than non-luminescent ones." This quote taken from the article is the educated guess the scientists made. After gaining all the necessary background information, the scientists constructed the outline for an experiment. The final product made sure to have both independent and dependent variables, with constants and properly marked millipedes. After collecting the data, the scientists analysed the results and came to the conclusion that the Motyxia millipede does use its glow-in-the-dark capabilities to prevent predator attacks. 

     Therefore, the experiment followed the proper procedures and outlined the scientific method every step of the way to conduct an overall successful experiment.